Mount Zion Shall Become a Refuge - Sept 18, 2024

5 months ago

Obadiah 1:17 in both NLT and KJV

Ps 24 = who gets to ascend Mount Zion to get to that refuge? Those w clean hands and a pure heart.

Ps 1:8-9 = inheritance in Obadiah 1:17 is the nations! Cross connect w former video of "The Clay Pots Have Smashed - Sept 7, 2024"

Obadiah 1:2 = Edom is "cut down to size" Cr ref w blog June 23, 2021 -  "It's Time tor CANADA to be cut down to size!"  -

Proverbs 1:23-33 = the calamity Israel initially suffered and why = they hated knowledge and chose not to fear the LORD.

Edom's pride deceived them into thinking they were untouchable after watching Israel's chastening, not realizing what was around the corner as their "reward shall return upon their own head." (Oba 1:15). Judgment comes FIRST to the house of the LORD. How much worse will it be upon the world???

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