it's not the kids' fault that their parents don't question anything

4 months ago

i love this fuckin hat
mental illness is quite tricky
society don't have a lick of a solution
their solutions are just added complications that turn into another problem
i understand the original problem
i DO give more of a fuck than you
not that giving a fuck is sumin to brag about tho
all they do is brag, man what a drag
i remember thinkin how futile procreation was in the late eighties
not that you gotta raise geniuses but parenting isn't truly valued
millennials are all kindza screwed up becuz of the timing of our formation
remember web pages n shit
we grew up on the cusp of a technology revolution
why am i the only one that had this revelation
super charged empath, that's why
i don't wanna get killed all for switching lanes
most people that procreate are stupid as fuck
not an anti-natalist but an informed cynic
yer panic attack is a little late, dear society
panicking a long time ago about all the stuff yawl didn't know
everything is happening exactly as i had foretold
ag applied orwellian knowledge hence the flip phone
only emotionally intelligent people should procreate
it's not the kids' fault that their world is shit
if they're not even conscious of their own decisions...
after hundreds of rounds of self-assessment THEN you can blame somebody
God ain't gonna save america considering that it's babylon

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