Vintage Cookbook Exploration #3 Fried Walnuts

6 months ago

Fried Walnuts

6 Cups Water
4 Cups (1 pound) Walnuts
1/2 Cup Sugar
1/8 teaspoon Salt

In large saucepan bring 6 cups of water to boil. Add walnuts and reheat to boiling. Cook 1 minute. Rinse under running water and drain. Toss walnuts in sugar. Heat skillet to 350 degrees (electric skillet if you have one). Heat 1 inch oil to 350 degrees. Fry 5 minutes until golden. Remove with slotted spoon and I placed on a small grid cooling rack and sprinkle lightly with salt and toss lightly to keep from sticking together. Freezes well.

These would be an excellent Gift or Party addition.

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