'¡Ay, Caramba!' Harris Unveils A New (Fake) Accent!

6 months ago

Posted • September 18, 2024: Like him, hate or loath him, Barack Obama was skilled at oratory. When he needed to channel a southern preacher, Obama would wade in hard and lay it on thick. It’s called code-switching. Obama was born into a white family. For the most part he was raised by his white-urbanite grandparents while in Hawaii, but facts never stopped or even slowed Obama in his quest to pander. And, they didn’t slow him down from preaching to the choir. Sometimes – literally, to a choir of southern black congregants. Obama said that "they" (aka anyone who disagreed with him) “try to bamboozle you, hoodwink you.” That was Obama channeling Malcolm X.

Obama once told an interviewer that his “brothers and sisters” should pull up their pants and praised the interviewer on MTV with a “you look tight.” Never mind that Obama was raised thousands of miles from the South and he was a "Haaaahvahd" man, Obama would slap on the accent to get “tight with the masses." It was all intended to ingratiate, but it comes off as phony to the core. Obama remains pretty phony, but there are others who easily "out-phony" Barack. No one was more annoying with a fake accent/Code-Switching than Hillary Clinton. Her “I am no ways tired” speech was like fingernails across a chalkboard. Hillary's fifth memoir might be her memories of growing up a "poor black child."

The president of the United States (not that one), President Dr. Jill Biden, thought she’d endear herself to a Latino crowd by saying something about breakfast tacos. She blew it and said: “see-say-PWOD-day” instead of “Si se puede. It means, I am told, “Yes, you can.” No Jill, you can’t. After Joe Biden showed America that he's a human carrot, his VP stepped up to take his spot. She’s been doing her part with the code-switching: Harris was recently caught pandering. It was a speech about “education” (if the handed-out T-shirts the women behind her are wearing are any indication), and Kammy trotted out the most embarrassing, pandering, nonsensical accent I have ever had the displeasure to subject my ears to. -- Kamala Harris just debuted her fake Latina accent while speaking to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. It might be her most cringe accent yet. (…)

• More at: RedState - '¡Ay, Caramba!' Harris Unveils a New (Fake) Accent!

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