3 months ago

•In All Things Give Thanks
The first three belong to us

The last six belong to God

Mark 9:23-24
I Thessalonians 5:15-18

1 Corinthians 13:13

Lord Increase My Capacity To Love For Greater Love Greater Faith

It could be argued all nine belong to us including faith, but God has reserved the last six to himself.

“Hyper-Novelty that not only drives us, but also dissipates us.”
~Clif High

Never forget our Creator and his creation.

We areTemporal, Transient, Ephemeral

Once we recognize; what is in front of us, is reality.

The magic is getting you accept the worsening gloom as a forbidden, as a foreboding place.

When in fact it is the way through one place to the next.

If God can create a way through the morass, then God can provide the man to guide us through the darkness.

God’s plans always involve a sentient being of his making.

The more of the attributes of the Godhead he exhibits, the more he is able to lift of the least of these

Matthew 25:40

God made life simple. It is man who complicates it.
~Charles Lindbergh

Today on Twitter feels like the last evening in a Berlin nightclub at the twilight of Weimar Germany.
~Jeff Jarvis V @jeffjarvis

"When nothing in society deserves respect, we should fashion for ourselves in solitude new silent loyalties.
~ Nicólas Gómez Dávila

Globalism may be a powerfully net-negative thing, but the increased connectivity and ease of communication across borders also represents a powerful opportunity…
we need to recognize we're now all in a similar boat across all western nations, and find ways to unify and work together toward common aims.
Picture a pendulum, whose arm has swung to a furthest extreme - into spiritual corruption, psychological degradation, parasitism, degeneracy, exhaustion… now picture that arm beginning to swing powerfully in the other direction, pulled by an unstoppable natural gravity..
lend your weight and energy to this swing

"Success is not measured by what a man accomplishes, but by the opposition he has encountered - and the courage with which he has maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds."
~ Charles Lindbergh

"Success flourishes only in perseverance - ceaseless, relentless perseverance."
"Fight and fly on to the last drop of blood and the last drop of fuel, to the last beat of the heart."
~ Manfred von Richthofen

President Trump is measured by the overwhelming odds he/we have encountered and the courage with which he/we have faced them.
~ Ron Owens

Matthew 5:40-48

We know love is the strength of the God’s people.
The measure of faith is the measure of love.
~ Ron Owens

Your task is not to seek for love,
but merely to seek and find all the
barriers within yourself that you
have built against it.

Unless God has raised you up for
this very thing, you will be worn
out by the opposition of men and
But if God be for you, who
can be against you? Are all of them
together stronger than God?
O be not weary of well doing!
~ John Wesley

I am your host
~ Brozme


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