Let's Talk About The USA's 1.6 Billion Dollar Countering China Bill - H.R. 1157

5 months ago

Video: Let's Talk About The USA's 1.6 Billion Dollar Countering China Bill - H.R. 1157 the money is used to fund lies, misinformation and to demonize China, Chinese & Chinese Americans 讓我們來談談美國16億美元的反華法案 - H.R. 1157 這些錢是用來利用撒謊、誤導來妖魔化中國、華人和華裔美國人 by Lee Barrett

In this video, I delve into the U.S. government’s latest move to counter China’s global influence through the $1.6 billion H.R. 1157 bill. I uncovers how this funding will fuel media campaigns to discredit China, Chinese, Chinese Americans and explore the broader geopolitical implications. If you’re curious about U.S.-China relations and global power dynamics, this is a must-watch! 在這段影片中,我將深入探討美國政府透過 16 億美元的 H.R. 1157 法案對抗中國全球影響力的最新舉措。我將揭示這筆資金將如何推動媒體宣傳活動,抹黑中國、中國人和華裔美國人,並探討更廣泛的地緣政治影響。如果您對中美關係和全球權力動態感到好奇,這是必看的.

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