Schindler Modded Westinghouse Hydraulic Elevators - South Square One (Durham, NC)

5 months ago

Now, you might be asking, why did I waste my time with these? Good question. Fellow filmer Elevating North Carolina filmed these post mod and these had Interior MAD chimes instead of the usual HT Chimes. No, that really was it.

These were once Westinghouses that were Slopped On with $5 Innovation fixtures and then were modded fully by Schindler in 2022. While these look like HXPress Mods, these do not have HX Controllers. They are rumored to have EC Pixel Controllers or something like that. I have seen one of these weird Schindler mods in Greensboro before.

Sadly, these since have had the Interior MAD Chimes turned off (as well as the MAD voice, which isn't much of a loss lol) and the MAD LCD Indicators were updated to be less tacky. The mod is pretty whatever overall, but seems to run well and quick.

Prior Elevator Brand: Westinghouse
Slapped on by: Schindler
Modded Again By: Schindler
Prior Elevator Model (if identifiable): NA
Mod Package (if identifiable): NA
Elevator Type: Hydraulic
Number of Elevators: 2
Floors Served: 3
Installed: 1986
Slapped On In: 2006
Modded Fully In: 2022
Current Controller: EC Pixel?
Capacity: 2500 lbs
Speed: 150 FPM

Original Fixtures:
Buttons: Westinghouse AE / EPCO Circline / Westinghouse "RT" (Adams Survivors & PEP)
Floor Indicator: Westinghouse AE / "RT" Analog
Directional Lanterns: Westinghouse Triangle
Chimes/Bells: Westy Dinnerbell / Westy Electronic

Mod 1 Fixtures:
Buttons: Innovation Bruiser
Floor Indicator: Generic CE
Directional Lanterns: Innovation VR
Chimes/Bells: Innovation

Mod 2 Fixtures:
Buttons: MAD BS Moon
Floor Indicator: MAD LCD
Directional Lanterns: MAD VR Small
Chimes/Bells: MAD
Voice: MAD (disabled)

Recorded: March 7th, 2024
Phone Used: Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra
Chime Sampled by yours truly and edited on Audacity
Video Edited on Clipchamp

NOTE: Stealing my videos without permission is a good way to get your channel taken down. Don't do it.

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