Some thoughts from C. M. Viganò’s interview on 13 August 2024

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Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò explains what is and what is not a schism: “Schism is a sin against the unity of the Church. It is carried out at the moment when a baptized person refuses to submit to the authority of the Roman Pontiff and to remain in the communion of faith and charity of the Catholic Church.
But what happens if on the Chair of Peter there is – instead of a Pope who defends and governs the Church – there is a usurper who systematically demolishes her, and who is chosen and appointed by fraud by the St Gallen Mafia for this very purpose? The Catholic Church is presently occupied by an extraneous body that superimposes itself on her and obscures her, similar to an eclipse: this extraneous body is not the Church, but the anti-church of the False Prophet, and as such it is not possible to be in communion with it.”
The Archbishop points to the position of contemporary Catholics who have become hostages of the apostate Bergoglio. After the release of the Fiducia supplicans declaration, they found themselves in a synodal counterfeit of the Catholic Church proclaiming a sodomite antigospel: “Catholics belong to the Catholic Church, not to its conciliar and synodal counterfeit of which Bergoglio is the head. It is Bergoglio who is in a state of schism with the Church of which he claims to be Pope, and as a heretic and schismatic he does not have nor can he exercise any power, nor demand any obedience.”
Archbishop Viganò speaks about the abuse of the ecclesiastical courts: “I reiterate, however, that the use of the judiciary for political purposes that we witness in the civil sphere, especially in the United States of America, is mirrored in the ecclesiastical sphere through instrumental and specious canonical sanctions.”
The Archbishop points to the precedent-setting and invalid punishment Bergoglio is using to intimidate other bishops and priests into silence: “The excommunication against me, even if manifestly invalid and null and void, constitutes a form of repression of dissent and should serve as a deterrent for others. I am convinced that I would have gravely failed in my duties as Bishop and Successor of the Apostles if I had continued to remain silent, as unfortunately all my confreres do.”
The Archbishop shows that Satan’s influence is most effective when he can abuse official structures: “I would like to draw attention to a fundamental and very important element. We must understand that ‘the masterstroke of Satan’, the sworn enemy of the Church, has occurred by his appropriating authority and abusing the power connected with her, so that his disintegrating action has had all the appearances of at least formal legality.”
Archbishop Viganò compares the Second Vatican Council to a timed mine: “The Second Vatican Council was to be the juridical instrument with which to place the dynamite at the very foundation of the Church, and then detonate it later. It had to look like a Council, it had to give the idea of having the same authority as the Council of Nicaea or Trent, but at the same time it could not define as truths to be believed any heresies that the Magisterium had already condemned.”
Archbishop Viganò emphasizes the Council’s method of covertly promoting heresies, namely the ambiguity of terms: “Thus those errors were insinuated by means of equivocation – deliberately imprecise formulations which at the right moment could serve as a basis on which to implement the revolution. People continue to speak of ‘the Council’, but we should have the honesty to recognize that for the ‘conciliar church’ born with Vatican II there is only one ‘council’, which surpasses in authority and importance all the other twenty ecumenical councils of the Catholic Church. The anomaly is represented by this Council, because it was used for a subversive purpose, under the formal appearance of a solemn act of the Church and with the authoritativeness (as well as the authority) of the Pope and the Council Fathers.”
Archbishop Viganò reveals that the Second Vatican Council created the preconditions for the current Bergoglian revolution within the Church and for the transformation of the Church into a New Age anti-church. It is a Masonic project: “The purpose of Vatican II was to create the doctrinal premises – not necessarily explicit and indeed often hidden in ambiguous formulations – to revolutionize the Church, Protestantizing and secularizing her, so as to be able to ferry her towards the syncretistic union of all religions. And this is the project of Freemasonry: the ecumenical and inclusive Religion of Humanity.”
Archbishop Viganò points to the agenda set by the Council, which is the destruction of the divine purpose and essence of the Church: “The Second Vatican Council has spread through the Church like a cancer. It has committed the entire ecclesial body – in every order and degree, in its institutions and structures – to the subversion of its divine constitution. The new Catechism, the new Code of Canon Law, the new Mass, the new Sacraments, teaching in seminaries and universities, preaching in parishes, the action of Catholic associations, religious life in convents and monasteries: everything has been tampered with and reshaped according to the conciliar paradigm. The results are there for all to see.”
The Archbishop points out that by violating a fundamental principle, that is, the ultimate goal of the Church’s existence, the Council disqualified itself: “Just as the authority of the Pope cannot be used to destroy the Papacy, so the magisterial authority of a Council cannot be maliciously used to destroy the Church. It ipso facto loses its authority, since it overturns its rationale, that is, its ultimate end.”
Now that we see the pernicious fruit that cannot be doubted, the rejection of the heretical Council is the duty of every bishop and every priest: “My rejection of the Council is motivated precisely by the fact that this Council contradicts the infallible Magisterium and all twenty previous Ecumenical Councils.”
Twenty years after the Council, the then Cardinal Ratzinger, in an interview with Messori, pointed to its tragic fruit: religious vocations had disappeared, and in particular the Cardinal cited a disastrous statistic from Quebec. The reason was that prayer in convents and monasteries had been replaced by oriental meditations and spiritual life by psychology. All referred to Vatican II. Especially the nuns were in an existential crisis and left the monasteries en masse. There were de facto no new vocations. But to tell the truth as it can be told now was not possible then.
Today we see the pernicious fruit, above all Bergoglio’s destructive activity, which meets with almost no resistance from the bishops. It has culminated in the promulgation of the new anti-gospel and the separation, through Fiducia supplicans, from the orthodox doctrine, that is, from the Church of Christ. Bergoglio continues to abuse the Church’s supreme authority to achieve her self-destruction.
These are the facts and we need to reflect seriously on them and identify the poisoned root, that is, the Second Vatican Council. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has openly and boldly called the Council what it was and what it is, that is, heretical and invalid. He has done so with all responsibility and love for the Catholic Church, out of a desire for her internal and external renewal.
The Second Vatican Council:
1) opened the door to the panheresy of modernism;
2) with the release of Nostra Aetate, introduced into the Church destructive syncretism with paganism and the antimission of paganism, associated with the sin against the First Commandment;
3) used the method of ambiguous terms in its documents, thus giving the opportunity to question all the truths on which the Church stands;
4) with its so-called aggiornamento, opened the door to the spirit of the world and expelled the Spirit of truth, coupled with true repentance, from within the Church;
5) banned true apologetics in the Church and thus gave room for the mass spread of heresies.
Bergoglio says that he is only consistently implementing the agenda of the Second Vatican Council. That is why, in accordance with the spirit of Vatican II, he has transformed the Catholic Church into a pseudo-church of the Antichrist through the so-called doctrinal declaration Fiducia supplicans. The time has come to do true penance, to return to the sound sources of Catholic teaching, which provides a guarantee of eternal salvation, and therefore to renounce Bergoglio and his sect.
What is Archbishop Viganò’s message to the faithful?
“Holy Scripture warns us about the reign of the Antichrist that will be established throughout the world in the last times, and about the role of the False Prophet in manipulating the masses. It is difficult not to see the preparation for all this in the globalist ideology that embodies the synarchic project of Freemasonry and in the total subservience to it of the leaders of the Bergoglian church.”
The Archbishop emphasizes the true mission of the Church, namely to save souls and to restore Christ’s kingdom: “And here we are not speaking of abstruse questions, but of the very foundations of the Catholic Faith: the uniqueness of the Church as an instrument of salvation, her mission for the conversion of souls to God, and the need to restore the social Kingship of Christ as the only safeguard against all tyranny, both temporal and spiritual.”
Finally, the Archbishop speaks of persecution foretold in the Book of Revelation, and warns against false prophets who lead to unity with the spirit of the world: “Before the Second Coming of Our Lord, the Church, which is His Mystical Body, must go through her own Passio in a ferocious persecution: Sacred Scripture clearly tells us this, in particular the Book of the Apocalypse of Saint John. This should help us to understand the importance of bearing witness to Christ and denouncing the false prophets who try to persuade us to come to terms with the world.”

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

13 September 2024

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