Views On Society From a Male Radical Feminist

5 months ago

Views On Society From a Male Radical Feminist

This is a radical feminism critique on society, and in this video I debate a man who identifies as radical feminist.
Are women becoming more like men?
We discuss radical feminist theory and critique, compare radical feminism with liberal feminism, examine the principles of radical feminism, and explore how radical feminism intersects with other social issues like race and class. I address criticisms of radical feminism, including common critiques and controversies from movements like MGTOW and conservative perspectives. We also discuss how radical feminists view and theorize gender. You will learn about radical feminism's stance on transgender issues and patriarchy. Do we live in a patriarchy, or is patriarchy a thing of the past? Do you agree with gender quotas and gender equity? Do you think there should be more women in leadership positions and other positions of power? My guest also makes a point about pornography and how it sexualizes women, expressing surprise that the left is not paying enough attention. He also describes the transgender movement as intellectually coherent.

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My guest is Robert Jensen, who believes radical feminism is a gift to men.
He has focused much of his work on the critique of pornography and of masculinity, developed in his 2017 book, The End of Patriarchy: Radical Feminism for Men. He also has written about white privilege and institutional racism. He also sits on the editorial board of the academic journal Sexualization, Media, and Society.

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