Memories are made of ..... this!

3 days ago

Many, many decades ago, when I was about 8 or 9 years old, my granny said something that I've NEVER forgotten!
One day, she said to me, "how many fingers are there on your hand?"
I replied, "FIVE!"
She repeated again, "how many fingers on your hand?"
I said, "granny, I've already said, it's FIVE!"
She said, "NO, there are 4 fingers and a thumb!"
I didn't think much of it at the time!
She carried on, "your life is just beginning while mine is ending, you'll forget what I'm about to tell you by tomorrow?!"
BY GOLLY, I'VE NEVER forgotten!
What grandmother said, it stuck like SUPER GLUE in my thick head!
She said, "when you are my age (I think granny was about 70 then?),
you'll look back on your life and realise that all those years behind you,
you met less than FOUR (as the number of fingers on your hand) VERY SPECIAL people in your entire lifetime?"
I wish she was alive today, because a) she was right and b) I never forgot what she said all those decades ago!
PS: I've met just TWO VERY SPECIAL people so far, and they are NOT family members, and there is NO CAT IN HELL'S CHANCE,
of meeting a third one!
Thank god I've got a good memory, in fact that is all I've got!

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