Thin Lizzy Waiting for an alabi cover

2 months ago

Thin lizzy waiting for an alibi bass cover youtube Amazing cover by Fabien from Song of love metal official Join their metal forum discussion group and make friends at Thin lizzy waiting for an alibi bass cover youtube We know Phil Lynott was an amazing bass player and Fabien from Song of love metal loves to play Thin Lizzy covers.. thin lizzy waiting for an alibi bass cover youtube The bass line is groovy this is what we love about Song of love metal like and suscribe

Thin Lizzy the bass groves and rocks at the same time thin lizzy waiting for an alibi bass cover youtube . An excellent way for you as bass players to get your shops. thin lizzy waiting for an alibi bass cover youtube . The amazing vocals at the same time amazing bass from Phil Lynott . thin lizzy waiting for an alibi bass cover notes You can watch the video and learn at the same time the thin lizzy waiting for an alibi bass cover notes .

It is not hard as notes are concerned what is hard is to grove this song . thin lizzy waiting for an alibi bass cover notes As playing notes is easy but giving the groves and the tone of the song is more dofficult in this case thin lizzy waiting for an alibi bass cover notes Song of love passe our channel to your friends

Thin Lizzy waiting for an alibi bass cover One of my favourite band ever and still i have not listened to all their songs . I do not like that much the early Thin Lizzy I love the Scott Gorgham Brian Robertson and Gary More years . One of the best bass player, vocals and songwriter talend Phil Lynott . Some of the best hard rock songs ever written . With soul with a heart .

In Thin Lizzy youtube video cover songs what is different for a bass player playing Thin Lizzy songs is the groove , heavy metal is more like classical music linear very powerful progression of notes . Thin Lizzy adds the grove on top of the amazing guitar riffs and solos . This is an amazing innovation .

Thin Lizzy youtube video cover songs channel It is not to say that one is better than the other, but this is new in hard rock . I donot consider Thin Lizzy heavy metal, they are more hard rock . As hard rock is more based on blues and rock tempo . Heavy metal is mostly based on classical music riffs and melodies . Song of love like and suscribe

Some of my favourite Thin Lizzy waiting for an alibi bass cover songs are jailbreak, i got to give it up, cowboy song, emerald, and holy wars . Those songs shaped my youth . Amazing riffs and vocals . Very high quality . It is funny that when Phil Lynott started his music carreer peopoe did not see talent in him . But this is often the case when we are too original then we are too far away and people only like what they already know and what is comfortable for them .

Thin Lizzy youtube video cover songs I did Emerald or cowboy song in earlier videos . You can watch my channel there are about 400 covers. You will need to scroll or type Thin Lizzy to find the videos Some songs are very well recorded some not as well . It deoends much on wher eyou are and how far the camera is from the amp . Is it is too close to camera and it is too loud it will overdrive . But when you play the song you do not know it is on overdrive . You can see on the camera it says it is red . But sometimes it is borderline. Sometimes the bass it too low compared to the mp3 player . And after i have recorded the song i foudn out that i canot hear the bass .

In my Thin Lizzy youtube video cover songs channel we find out it is all an art to make the perfect videos . So far because of stress i di not have the time to pause and make different takes on a video . But soon i should be able to pause and retain the best version of the song for you guys . Once i have donations and people helping our channel . Song of love metal official like and suscribe

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