How the Government Hides Crime Waves with Garbage Data

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We’re joined by my friend Sean Kennedy, executive director of the Coalition for Law, Order and Safety and expert on crime policy, to discuss all the ways the FBI has distorted the crime data to show a “historic” drop in crime. In fact, officials have changed the way they count, they use multiple methodologies, and there is so much missing data. This is proven by several parallel measures that indicate crime is either going up or coasting at high levels, depending on the category.

We also discuss the appallingly low clearance rates for crimes and how, given the technology we have, it should be impossible for street thugs to evade law enforcement. Yet there is a political ideology pervading most political leaders that makes them pro-criminal. This is why they want to cover up the crime bubble, so they can absolve themselves of any responsibility to deter, apprehend, and incarcerate dangerous people.

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