TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT IS A PSYOP! - CIA & Mossad Involved! - They're Stoking Civil War!

4 months ago

Josh Sigurdson reports on the psychological operation in action currently as the news is taken over by a "second attempted assassination of President Donald Trump" allegedly by intelligence agency asset Ryan Wesley Routh.
The reality is, if they wanted Trump dead, he'd be dead. They're utilizing the news in order to gain a reaction.
According to the Sheriff, the attempted assassin was far from Trump and did not have a good angle on him at all before being engaged and fleeing the scene.
Ryan Routh was camped in the bush for 12 hours despite the gold game being spontaneous and no one knowing it was going to happen ahead of time. He even had floor tiles in his bag as a sort of makeshift bullet proof vest.
Ryan Routh worked for Azov Battalion in Ukraine which is a CIA and Mossad proxy. He was even in a propaganda video for them much like Thomas Matthew Crooks, the first attempted shooter was in a Blackrock commercial. These are not coincidences.
Routh posted documents on his X account showing his acceptance to Azov by a Ukrainian general.
He allegedly donated primarily to Democrats since 2019 yet praised Nikki Haley on X.
Routh also had previous criminal charges for possession of "Weapons of Mass Destruction" which he was let off on parole over despite most spending years in prison for such a charge. The guy is a fed. There is no doubt.

We are not saying Donald Trump had any pre-knowledge of this event. What we are saying is that it's clearly a setup meant to cause further normalization of civil war. If he is killed, civil war would ensue and that's what they want. If he lives, hero worship ensues and he can do anything they tell him to do and not have to worry about much opposition all while the establishment further plots out civil war anyways. He is likely unaware and being used as a pawn in all of this by intelligence communities.
There is obviously a mole in his entourage.
Meanwhile, early reports of shooting at the golf course actually regarded two people exchanging fire in the boulevard outside of the golf course which raises several questions as well.

False flags are to be expected in this election as we had previously predicted. It's no the shooting that matters. It's the reaction by the public and the propagandists know this. Now they have mainstream media pushing one narrative and mainstream alternative media pushing another including claims that Ukraine was involved despite Ukraine literally just being a proxy of US and Israeli intelligence agencies.
The purpose is to get people normalized to civil war. Push the agenda forward and chaos will ensue. Out of chaos comes order. Emergency declarations and restrictions. This all leads down the pipeline to the end goal of a "Great Reset." A technocratic hell with CBDCs, digital IDs attached to social credit and carbon credit scores determining food rations and energy rations in 15 Minute Cities.
Both Democrat and Republican policies will lead to this end goal in their own way.
This is why both sides are pushing for World War 3 in their own way. Both want civil war. Both want biometrics, whether through the climate agenda and plandemics or through immigration.

Do not be fooled.
Prepare yourself now.

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