Bass guitar covers compilation

1 month ago

Song of love metal Heavy metal bass cover compilation 3
metal bass guitar cover video channel
hard rock bass guitar cover video channel

Which one is your favourite bass heavy metal song ? I love bass, it is powerful and it makes the song deep in the heart . Which is yout favourite Song of love metal Heavy metal bass cover compilation 3 ? The bass chords bands is Manowar and Motorhead . I did cover Motorhead shine on bass it is a lot of fun, you can watch the video on this channel . Song of love metal official like and suscribe

Your metal bass guitar cover video channel i did quite a few Manowar songs Manowar is one of my favourite band , especially now that Michael Angelo Batio plays with them he is one of the best guitar player in the world . Your hard rock bass guitar cover video channel i love true metal bands . I love bands who play music from the heart no bands that play for fame only or just making money, like the top 50 mainstream bands .

Lately on Song of love metal Heavy metal bass cover compilation 3 i covered Racer x scarified, it is one of my favourite bass cover i did . When i did the song i thought i did not do a good job, but on the screen it sounds pretty good . Song of lvoe metal pass our channel to your friends

In metal bass guitar cover video channel i have done a lot of Yngwie Malmsteen bass covers i think to do more of the instrumental genious like Marty Friedman or Paul Gilbert, Steve Vai, Billy Shehan , Rush . You can watch Rush tom sawyer and anthem on my channel . Tom Sawyer is not hard to play, only the fast part it is a scale with the pinky finger and one would need to practice to get it right . Anthem by rush is more diffivult but it is ecactly what i usually practice, fact scale bass licks .

In hard rock bass guitar cover video channel i did a lot of Iron maiden songs like Alexander the great and phantom of the operz. After i record the songs i forget them and it would take a a little time to get the songs again . Because the channel has about 400 songs many of them are covers . Song of love metal official like and suscribe

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