Roxanne Superbad cover

3 months ago

Roxanne superbad bass guitar cover
Superbad Roxanne music video cover
Roxanne band guitar music video cover

Roxanne superbad bass guitar cover I heard this band and i am very happy i did find them or God helped me to find them Very good and fun songs I came out of listening to their songs very peased to have heard at last one band i like Since 1990 s very few bands have given anything worth the name good music

Superbad Roxanne music video cover Even many , not all new metal bands are lame and uninteresting . The fast is that most young people do not understand music because they grew up in electronic music with all insturments coming from a machine . So they cannot tell the real and the false . And because they listened to fale music so long their minds are affected

Roxanne band guitar music video cover They really have a hard time making a difference between good and bad quality music . Because for them music is good quality sound They do not know the difference between a good and a bad song . Roxanne superbad bass guitar cover

Modern in the 2020 and before have 3 chords , some people tudied that most of the hits of the years have even the same chords They are really scamming people Superbad Roxanne music video cover Music has become like a marketing machine where they want to sell the most music they can . I do not blame them too mpuch as years back we had ot buy the album in stores and unles you did that you could not listen to your favourite band unless playe din some radio station .

Roxanne band guitar music video cover IN fact those days were better as record compnaies were making so much money on album sales that they could afford to improvise with some bands and this got us so many genious bands Manowar Metallica Megadeth Rush Iron Maiden If those musicians were living today it is very probable they would have never been signed . Song of love metal official like and suscribe

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