Omen Death rider cover

2 months ago

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Omen death rider bass guitar cover
Death rider Omen cover music videos
Omen Bater cry album death rider cover

Omen death rider bass guitar cover I always loved this band so much Since i am about 17 I heard about Omen They played in the wiskey in Los Angeles it was an amazing concert . The vocals are so intense i love Kimball voice a lot . I love the guitar harmony and bass and guitar lines playing such powerful lines . The songs are very tighs and intense .

Death rider Omen cover music videos Death ride is a good song Omen has many amazing songs . Such as Death rider, be my wench, gates of hell , warning of danger . Wow this band deserves to be out there in the top of the heavy metal bands with Iron maiden and Judas priest

Omen Batle cry album death rider cover What happened ? Maybe they have bas record company ? Maybe they do not believe in themselves too much ? Maybe the music industry did not push them enough ? As the songs are some of the best song sin heavy metal music

Omen death rider bass guitar cover In line with Manowar Omen is a very powerful and true heavy metal band . When you have good songs then you have a band . No matter how good the musicians are . When you bring a music that is differernt that what is already made and you have your own sound , then you have an amazing band . When on top of that your musicians are skilled and intense and play without thinking about being coppercial then you have a legendary band Omen is one of such bands

Death rider Omen cover music videos How many of our heavy metal bass cover songs have you watched ? Tornado of souls Megadeth, Metallica hit the lights, Omen battle cry, Yngwie Malmsteen trilogy So many more amazing songs are in our channel . Omen Bater cry album death rider cover

Our band is called Song of love metal official orgasm planet is the first album Love and truth is the second album Have you heard any of the songs ? I recomment American men, orgasm planet, sex music, babyon is fallen, pride, first angels message . This is the title of th next album Song of love metal official like and suscribe

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