Song of love metal official Orgasm planet guitar cover

3 months ago

Nirvana Polly bass guitar cover
Nirvana guitar music video cover
Nirvana cover music v ideo polly

Nirvana Polly bass guitar cover Amazing band they changed the world When they say grunge killed metal i do not believe so Rap killed metal as it is a mpusic much cheaper to produce than heavy metal million dollar touring machine . But sadly rpa is garbage

Nirvana guitar music video cover This is a very powerful album al songs are gold They say that the prudicer changed the next album Heart shaped box and this next album would have been one of the best album in hisrory unless the music company would not have changed the sound .
Nirvana cover music v ideo polly Not amazing musicians than songwriter and so intense and poerful

Nirvana Polly bass guitar cover The songs have this inesne rage against society and against polished modern world As a christian i understand why so many people have so much hate chainst modern christians It is because they do not belong to Jesus and to not ressemble Jesus at all . Jesus and the bible are true but modern christiand most belong to babylon .

Nirvana guitar music video cover Listen to our original songs our band is song of love metal official Best songs are American men, sex music, stagger the Devil, orgasm planet, pride, babylon is fallen , first angels message Nirvana cover music v ideo polly Song of love metal official like and suscribe

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