Break the Bubble & Challenge Your Bias! | Mark Stross : Tech Visionary & Author

15 days ago

📱 Your bias and curated feed are not objective truth. They’re simply the result of algorithms feeding you information based on your interests and internet behavior. What you’re seeing isn’t the whole picture – it’s a tailored reality.

News used to be objective, presenting facts for us to interpret. Now, many people believe their curated feeds as if they represent the complete truth. But we must recognize this for what it is – a filtered version of reality.

The solution? Start talking to people who hold different beliefs, lifestyles, or values. You’d be surprised how much common ground you’ll find. Let’s foster real dialogue, not echo chambers. 🗣️

#MarkStross #ChallengeYourBias #OpenDialogue #TruthInMedia #BreakTheBubble #CriticalThinking #TechAwareness #DigitalMindfulness #EngageNotDivide #TechForGood

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