Nirvana Territorial pissings cover

1 month ago

Nirvana - territorial pissings bass cover
Territorial pissings Nirvana cover music video
Nirvana cover music video Territorial pissings

Nirvana - territorial pissings bass cover This is one of my favourite album of all times along with Guns and rses appetite for destrution Iron maiden Piece of mind or any early Iron maiden album . Kiss rocl and roll over , Megadeth has made some of the finest music ever The first 3 Metallica albums are killer hopefully everlasting . I hope that people in heaven will continue to listen to them I know that top 50 music will not be in heaven . We made a song called Song of love metal official will there be metal in heaven . Listen to it

Territorial pissings Nirvana cover music video I love this album it kicks amazing ass from starts to finish We can sing along with it and it ends with a balad . Very powerful band , very powerful and energetic music . Just thinking that Norvana was called the worst band in Seattle for a while is amazing to think about it .

Nirvana cover music video Territorial pissings Kirk Cobain was not the best solo guitar player but an amazing songwriter and that million dollar scream so rare . An amazing trio so energetic on stage and live . What an amazing band I do not think Grunge killed heavy metal I do not know why they say that Rap music killed metal

Nirvana - territorial pissings bass cover It was much cheaper for record companies to make a guy with only a mic and a few speakers to tour Than bands like Kiss who cost millions of dollars to carry around gigantic stages light and so many amplifiers . Immagine how much cheaper it got for the record companies .

Territorial pissings Nirvana cover music video Immagine how much faster and easier to record an album when the whole is made my the record engineer and often the rapper gives the lyrics and a few mumbles Knowing that all someone says fits with any music when it is not sang then it is much easier and cost effective for record engineer and record companies for rap to be alive than heavn metal . Even if heavy metal is a so much better music genre

Nirvana cover music video Territorial pissings Music is business and people do not know anything about music then they have to make money but the quality of music suffered a lot last 30 years Song of love metal official like and suscribe

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