Nosotros Trabajamos Duro - Episode 24 - Stuntman and Paranormal Investigator Jon Koyasako

4 months ago

Jon Koyasako has been in the entertainment industry for many years and has worn many different hats therein. From acting to doing stunts to directing choreography, Jon has done it all. In this episode we discuss how Jon got into doing stunts, his background in martial arts, and what led him into paranormal investigating.

Promoting song
"Ghost Town"
by The Specials

#NosotrosTrabajamosDuro #NosotrosTrabajamosDuroPodcast #Podcast #ChristopherSAllen #ChristopherAllen #ChrisAllen #JonKoyasako #ParanormalInvestigation #Paranormal #Ghosts #HauntedHouse #GhostStories #ParanormalInvestigator #GhostHunter #GhostBusters #Stuntman #Stunts #MartialArts #MartialArtist #Hallowen #Movies #FilmMaking #Sacramento #SacSpirit

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