RFK Joins Trump Team and Why It Does Not Matter!

6 months ago

Democrat or Republican, they work for the same people and it’s not us. Call them the Deep State or Criminal Elite, either way, criminals are running our country. Join us! We have a plan to fix it that costs no money or time while they fight over who gets to steal more of our time and effort.

Like many of you, I have watched countless hours of people raising awareness about our situation. I’ve been on the lookout for any plan other than voting or protesting. Neither of which will fix the corruption in our government. I was surprised to find there were none. Literally zero.

All of these influencers raising awareness and none of them has a plan? They can’t all just be in it for the clicks, can they? I figured someone smarter than me was already working on a solution and I would support them when it came time.

Here we are, years later, and still no plan. Voting hasn’t worked, for obvious reasons and who has time to hang out at protests that won’t fix corruption anyway? The working class is fed up and been led to believe we are alone by the Propagandists that used to be our Free Press.

So, I got to work. I was taught I can’t complain unless I have a solution. The plan had to be free and require no time investment, making a tough job even harder. It took thousands of hours to vet and develop a viable strategy and I now humbly present my plan to you.

While boycotts are nothing new, the way we’ve devised of going about them is new and that is just the beginning. Boycotts are just the tip of the iceberg, when it comes to what we have in store for the thieves and grifters who couldn’t leave well enough alone.

They have our attention now and are going to wish they’d let us be.



Links to videos clipped for commentary

WATCH: RFK Jr. endorses Trump and suspends campaign

#civilwar #corruption #revolution #justsociety #economy #politics #election

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