Meaningful help to the Trump Campaign - THE LOCAL LONG ARM OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT

5 months ago

So how does the Federal government enforce their control? With our local governments of course. Who enforced a recommendation not a Law it was a mandate. There's a difference. Well, that would be our local governments. Everything they did was unlawful. Who helped the Federal "Government" Hide a rigged election? You got it! It was your local "Government"! They work for US and THEY think they get to make and bend the rules however they feel. So why don't we wake up and let them know who they work for? Ask yourself, THEY are our Public Servants! (EMPLOYEES)! WOULD YOU GET AWAY WITH IT ON YOUR JOB? Stop settling for LIP SERVICE and Gas LIGHTING. IT'S TIME TO WE THE PEOPLE HAVE SOME SAY IN OUR COUNTRY. STAND UP!!

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