Loudness Heavy chains cover

4 months ago

Loudness Heavy chains bass guitar cover
Loudness Japanese metal guitar video cover
Loudness heavy chains guitar video cover

Loudness heavy chains bass cover superb japenese metal band heavy chains loudness bass cover, i love this song so much i had to cover it as the singing is incredible the guitar solo also Very good energetic heavy metal band from the 80 S from Japan . Today Japan is one of the most heavy metal country in the world with Finland, Sweden, Norway and Iceland . Also Brazil and Argentina .

Loudness heavy chains bass cover in this song i really love the melodies and i love the time changes loudness heavy chains guitar tab, therre are super beautiful parts in this song also some metal parts this song makes me feel amazing and it reminds me of the great metal years loudness heavy chain reprise,in those years people really were more innocent this song is really good enjoy

Loudness Heavy chains bass guitar cover Our band is called Song of love metal official I pracriced the song called Wake the world in a bench in Paris in front of a cahtolic church . This song is excellent but the break is not good . The sound engineer when we recorded the song told me in his looks . In fact he did not tell me directly , but he sounded like , this part you need to remove from the song . I did not and now i understand why

Loudness Japanese metal guitar video cover In the song from our band Song of love metal official wake the world the break is not good . Song of love metal official has been a one men band since the beginning This is changing . As Fabien the bass player and singwriter is not a guitar player or singer . Hiring a propher guitar player and singer is improving the sound of Song of love metal official a lot .

Loudness heavy chains guitar video cover I also realize as in this song Wake the orld that taking some distance from the song makes me see what works and what does not work. Go the channel to listen to those songs Which one do you like the best ? The song A girl named clit, it is too long the guitar riff is repeated many times It will be shortened in live settings Also Wake the world the break will be removed . As in sliding love , the song is too long and the chorus repeated too many times . Song of love metal official like suscribe and support

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