Kiss Love gun guitar cover

4 months ago

Kiss love gun bass guitar cover
Kiss band love gun guitar video cover
Kiss Gene Simmons bass guitar cover music video

Kiss love gun bass guitar cover I love this song and this band So many different albums and sounds from naked city to creatures of the night , to lick it up to Love gun and 100000 years. Kiss has given us the best they could and some of the best hard rock music Kiss never was really heavy metal as they kept mostly a 4 4 time signature .

Kiss band love gun guitar video cover Sliding love and sex music are 2 of the singles from our next album Our band is called Song of love metal official Other singles from this next album are first angels message , Ellen White and will there be metal in heaven .

Kiss Gene Simmons bass guitar cover music video Some people like orgasm planet , a girl named clit and boner from helll from the orgasm planet album . Love and truth the second album from Song of love metal official had the classic American men and stagger the Devil . Which song of love metal official song do you like best ? Go to the channel to find out now .

Kiss love gun bass guitar cover Song of love metal official is knows for their amazing bass lines and for the topic of the bible and sex Christianity says those 2 topics do not mix but Song of love metal official mixes them Kiss band love gun guitar video cover Song of love metal official like suscribe and support

Kiss love gun bass cover great song i sing along this song often youtube , Paul Stanley is a great composer and a great singer Kiss love gun bass cover this song is powerful and sexy lyrics love gun kiss bass cover, comes from the great album with the same name kiss bass cover love gun, one thing is that gene simmons is definitly not recognised for his bass lines which are pretty full and difficult

Kiss love gun bass cover Gene Simmons bass lines are original and melodic some of the greatest bass lines ever this song is powerful starts with all the band introing on the same note then the song goes into crescendo around the end

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