Katy Perry i kissed a girl bass cover

4 months ago

Katy Perry i kissed a girl bass cover i do not like pop at all but this song has this true feel about it like a true metal song has Katy Perry i kissed a girl bass cover This is a killer song that could be tuned into metal The bass line is fun to play and amazing simple way to learn a song if you are just starting playing bass guitar Song of love metal official like and suscribe

Katy Perry i kissed a girl bass cover watch my other covers i play mostly metal some advanced songs like Yngwie Malmsteen or racer x and more simple songs like this one Katy Perry i kissed a girl bass cover

Katy Perry i kissed a girl bass cover This song is like a metal song for me as it has a good riif and good original melody line . I really never listen to pop . But this could be the only pop song i like . Because i feel it has integrity and soul . Katy Perry i kissed a girl other versions Most pop songs are boring and bland and just like chewing gum. But this song had heart and it was written well .

Katy Perry i kissed a girl cover We can see that in the riffs, it is exactly like a metal song with a few chords and could be played wiht power chords and this song would do very well playerd with overdrive pedal . Katy Perry i kissed a girl bass cover I plya songs that i like i do not care what people think about me . I mostly listen to heavy metal . Then little classical . Then very little Frech music reggae and fusin jazz . Song of love metal pass it on to your friends

What we listen to really affects us . If we listen to dumb music then we can become dumb , Heavy metal is much deeper than peope think it is . Just the heavy metal band album covers have a lot to say . In most music the cover is just someone s picture or some nonsense . Katy Perry i kissed a girl other versions Heavy metal is not for everyone, as it is thinking music . It is not music to dance to . It is music to listen .

Katy Perry i kissed a girl cover I realize that many people cannot make the difference between bass and drums. Their ear is not trained . It is like me for a car engine all i see is wires . But music can be much mor eenjoyable if we take time to train the ear to the different sounds . Especially heavy metal is very intricate as classical mupsic . Song of love metal official like and suscribe

Sometimes the violon plays a part and the cello another part . This makes amazing magic and trains the ear to listen deeply Katy Perry i kissed a girl bass cover For some good bands to train your ear listen to Iron Maiden or Rush Iwhere someone hears only noise, the trained ear can delight in listening to amazingly skilled music . Katy Perry i kissed a girl other versions As most modern radio music is 3notes and nobody need sto make an effort to enjoy the music .

Katy Perry i kissed a girl cover They say people who listne to classical music are mor eintelligent as it trains the brain for deeper reflextion and memory . Song of love metal official like and suscribe

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