JD Vance Puts On Master Class In Schooling New York Times Reporter Over The Springfield Question

5 months ago

Posted • September 18, 2024: Waves were made Sunday when GOP vice presidential nominee JD Vance sat down for what turned out to be a contentious interview with CNN anchor Dana Bash, who repeatedly berated the Ohio Senator for the crime of bringing to light the concerns of constituents who he says alleged that Haitian migrants are eating pets and waterfowl in Springfield. "Before Donald Trump talked about eating dogs and cats on a debate stage, it was you, Senator, who first elevated this baseless rumor," Bash huffed. "These are your constituents. So, why are you putting them at risk by continuing to spread claims about Haitian immigrants, despite officials in your state saying that there's no evidence and pleading for you to stop?"

True to form, Vance did not back down, telling Bash that he "could ignore [my constituents], which is what the American media has done for years to this community, or I can actually talk about what people are telling me." Like a dog gnawing on a bone, the media have become obsessed with this story, not because they genuinely care about the Springfield community and its myriad problems but because it allows them the opportunity to do the one thing they and their Democrat allies do best: baselessly throw the race card to try and get a Republican to shut up about Democrats whose policy positions have had disastrous consequences. Not surprisingly, Vance was hit with a question about his Springfield allegations during a campaign swing through Wisconsin Tuesday, where he put on a master class in schooling a woke New York Times reporter.

During his remarks, Vance explained that it's his job as a Senator to listen to his constituents, investigate their stories, and inform the public -- especially if those people feel like they've been ignored by other officials they've reported them to, and especially if the issue has become widespread/dangerous and/or is being downplayed by the left-wing press. (…)

• More at: RedState - JD Vance Puts on Master Class in Schooling New York Times Reporter Over the Springfield Question

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