Iron maiden children of the damned bass guitar cover

5 months ago

Iron Maiden children of the damned bass guitar cover
Iron Maiden music video guitar cover
Iron Maiden bass guitar cover children of the damned

Iron Maiden children of the damned bass guitar cover Those Iron Maiden songs are so intense and strange yet powerful and deep They touch the heart, Where eagles dare, Wrathchild, phantom of the Opera, Alexander the great and ryme of the ancient mariner Some of the most epic Iron Maiden songs .

Iron Maiden music video guitar cover Steve Haris has such a unique way of playing bass it changed the world of music Most Iron Maiden songs are written on bass The powerful drums of Nico Mc Brain He played for a time for Trust a French heavy metal band . Iron Maiden bass guitar cover children of the damned

Have you heard our band before ? We started the band a few years ago Fabien grew up in Los Angeles . Iron Maiden children of the damned bass guitar cover Orgasm planet is the first album from Song of love metal official Songs like babylon is fallen and a girl named clit . Song of love metal official is especially excellent with bass lines and different metal sounds .

Iron Maiden music video guitar cover Listen to the 2 first albums Song of love metal official orgasm planet and love and truth Iron Maiden bass guitar cover children of the damned The next album is not released yet First angels message You can listen now to some of the singles already released Song of love metal official like and suscribe

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