Iron Maiden - Alexander the great ontro bass cover

4 months ago

Iron Maiden Alexander the great ontro bass cover
Iron maiden Alexander the great cover chords
Iron maiden cover music video notes

Iron Maiden Alexander the great ontro bass cover This is the intro of the song this is the full song here in the channel you can type Iron maiden Alexander the great bass guitar cover .

I think the battery for the mp3 was dead . Then i went to a park to record the song, but someone got angry because he thought it was too loud. Then i told him that i was there 5 minutes Song of love metal official like and suscriber

In Iron maiden Alexander the great cover chords this song has this amazing instrumental part and this is such a genious song as many of the Iron maiden songs . I also covered Wrathchind and phantom of the opera. When i am outside with the bass if there is one song i play the most it is Iron maiden phantom of the opera .

Iron maiden cover music video notes There are many Iron maiden songs i want to cover. Iron Maiden Alexander the great ontro bass cover This is a very special band in my heart i grew up totally outside normal society as i was not understood and heavy metal was the greatest consolattion i had . It really helped me go through many difficult things . Song of love pass our channel to your friends

It is like this music heavy metal understands me . It is not fake it is real , people do not play for oney only , they music is the most important thing . Such things are so important as most of society is fake and they do things to get something else . This is why i always loved heavy metal it is true and not hypocrite .

I love to hear the bass sound of Steve Harris he always has been ahero of mine . Iron maiden Alexander the great cover chords Steve Harris is a true metalhead . He never changed to fit the crowd, he never started to play commercial music . Even if i think Iron maiden mellowed a little and less energy . They still bring out powerful songs. I am glad Adrian Smith is back in the band . Thes guys fit so well together . Iron maiden cover music video notes Song of love metal official like and suscribe

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