Immanuel Arabic christian worship

4 months ago

Immanuel Arabic worship bass guitar cover
Arabic christian worship music videos
Christian Arabic music video cover

Immanuel Arabic worship bass guitar cover The semitic languages are very deep Few can understand that Arabic is much deeper than English . Hebrew also One in Hebrew has 2 words Ehad and Yahid Ehad means one in union , one in action Yahid means just one
Yahid one shoe , one car, one building

Ehad one government , one business, one family . It is one family yet various people . When the bible says Behold Israel your God is one God It does not mean God is one person As He said Let us make men in our image . God says in the old testament Me and my Redeemer It is one God . How can it be one God when it says me i am God and the Redeemer is God also ?

Arabic christian worship music videos The debth of Eastern music melodies is amazing Jesus is God as someone had to take the punishment for sin . God cannot forgive sin without someone paying the penalty . If someone robs your car you cannot just say I forgive you The person needs to return the car to you .

Christian Arabic music video cover Your parents forgave you But they also punished you The penalty for sin is death . Do you want to die for your sins ? No This is what you and me deserve But Jesus loves you so much Came in the picture and prefered to die in your place so tha tyou would not need to suffer and die . Song of love metal official like and suscribe

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