5 months ago

#1 SISTER T'S LIFE EXPERIENCES..Just for visiting, "testdriving "THESE Kinds of. "Churches....TD is.an office complete stranger. She walks the front of the church and tries say hello to introduce as a fellowship minister...but is manhandled, and rebuke for "Not Being Submitted to their "PATRIARCHAL' (seems demons) cruel authoritarian doctrine."JUMPED IN A PUBLIC SETTING".. However to be Gracious, she WILL transcribe, then upload to ask Chat GBT AI it' s very mostly Holy Bible , First Church leader...opinionTHE ANONYMOUS Newbie. CARING calm a d gentle Senior Leader Unknown Stranger. BEING accosted in Non Servant Leader Submission Ministry
DFW 2010

TD will run this thru Chat GPT AI and see what Says About this. In light of Bible, Protocol. Manners etx
NOTE: if you are not a complainer, not an authoritarian,who has experienced or seen anything like T mentions in any one of this indepth series, please share that experiences crossbodyunity@gmail.com ( we can't reply as we are so busy,apologies)
Then will print it our and post here and www.taveau PS IF you have noted, experienced anything similar and YOU are not a complainer ..then share what happened: crossbodyunity@gmail.com. (I will not reply due to time issues)

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