Calling All Vets: We'll Have to Go to DC & Arrest Every Member for Treason

5 months ago

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Posted by @cboy4620 on TikTok

Calling out all veterans, this is Cboy. It's time for us to organize. Time for us to get together.

We've got a serious problem. It seems our government, who's meeting with Great Britain right now, is going to give Britain authority to release our long-range missiles into Russia. Which, in all retaliation, Putin will strike back. He's done warned us.

So we need to come together, get together in our groups. We'll have to go to DC and arrest every member for Treason, because they're all involved.

Even MTG [Marjorie Taylor Greene]. If you hear this, Marjorie, you better shut down the authorization of our long-range missiles, or you're going to be arrested by us for Treason, also.

We're not going to let this happen to our nation. So calling out all veterans, let's get together. We've got a job to do, and they're not f@cking around.

They're going to start a war with Russia, and they're talking about it, right now. They have our long-range missiles. First one they fire into Russia is going to start a fire we can't put out.

So as a last-ditch effort, call your Congressmen. Call all Congress. Call your Representatives.

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