Online bible preacher 4

6 months ago

youtube preacher sermon on youtube about the Holy Spirit
youtube preacher sermon about love
What is the 3 angels message in the bible ?

Earth last day bile channel If you need a good friend Jesus is your best friend How can you know Him? By seeking him Earthlastday bible channel Did you know that Jesus promised that if you seek him he wile manifest himself to you? Earth last day bible channel Why doesn t God manifest himself to all people? God is unassuming Like Jesus was humble and reserved Treasures are not shown to all Seek Jesus now He loves you so Earth last day bible channel

youtube preacher sermon on youtube about the Holy Spirit The truth few preachers speak about it . One resewn is that they do not wan tot offend people But at the same time they are offending God by not speaking the truth . In youtube preacher sermon about love we find that another reason is that they do not know the last message for earth which is called the 3 angels message . Watch earth last day like and subscribe

What is the 3 angels message in the bible ? Watch Earth last day bible channel to know more . What has happened is that around 1830 1840 something stupendous happened in the christian world. When Jesus came he gave the prefect bible teaching to them . The apostolic church and the reformation had the true view on prophecy . The reformers were coming out of Rome so they had false bible beliefs . But they were coming out .Today there is no excuse .

youtube preacher sermon on youtube about the Holy Spirit What happened around 1830 is that all protestant churches have adopted false belief in prophecy and the bible . The futuristic bible teaching is totally contrary to what Paul and Jesus taught in the bible . Your youtube preacher sermon about love teaches you that the reformers and the apostles taught that Jesus will come a second time only . But the whole of bible prophecy that Jesus taught has been changed .

What is the 3 angels message in the bible ? Today most of the protestants and Christians around the world believe many lies and beliefs that have nothing to do with the bible . When you add this to the already great amount of pagan beliefs these churches had such as Sunday worship, eternal hell, immorality of the soul, once saved always saved . The rejecting of the 3 angel message the rejecting of the sanctuary message, the rejection of the spirit of prophecy , the rejection of the health message among others. Watch earth last day bible channel pass it on to your friends

Your youtube preacher sermon on youtube about the Holy Spirit teaches you that it has come to pass that modern Christianity is no longer Gods churches . You cannot call a church that had left most bible teachings by the way and most of what they teach has nothing to do with the bible .
Your youtube preacher sermon about love teaches that it has gone to the point that almost the only belief the modern churches have from the bible is Jesus died on the cross and creation .

What is the 3 angels message in the bible ? Even creation is not believed in many churches, more than 50 percent of all Christians do not believe in a 6 day literal creation . In France 90 percent of pastors believe in evolution . It is incredible that these churches still call themselves christian and yet spend their time teaching pagan beliefs, Satanic beliefs and many things that are fairy tales . Earth last day like and subscribe
youtube preacher sermon on youtube about the Holy Spirit For this reason God says they are fallen churches . They have fallen from the truth . Paul says Gods church stands on the truth .
Your youtube preacher sermon about love teaches that if a church does not teach the bible anymore then it is fallen from the truth and has become babylon . A place of confusion . No wonder many churches look like a circus today as evil spirits control those members and pastors . What is the 3 angels message in the bible ? Watch Earth last day bible channel like and subscribe

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