Online street preacher about creation in the bible compilation 6

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youtube street preacher about creation in the bible
youtube preacher about the book of revelation in the bible
youtube preacher compilation about the book of revelation in the bible - compilation 6 Amazing to hear the truth What is truth? Truth is the opposite of error Truth is the opposite of lies How can we find truth? Byreading the bible we can compare it to lies Jesus is the truth What is the truth? God is the truth the Word of God is the truth - compilation 6 Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

youtube street preacher about creation in the bible says that Jesus told us to give the last message to planet earth . If people will die then we need to tell them if we love them . As time is running out and we need to let peopel know that God loves them, God has payed the price for them so that in accepting this gift, they can enter heaven where there will be no more tears, no more pain, no mode death .

Your friend the youtube preacher about the book of revelation in the bible, my videos seem not very well made, and slow, but those who hang on to hget the message will receive an amazing blessing from God. Your youtube preacher compilation about the book of revelation in the bible As to tell you the truth there are so many preachers online who teach nonsense which is not in the bible Earth last day bible channel pass it on to your friends

They divide the bible very poorly and lead sould away from the truth . Your youtube street preacher about creation in the bible is here to help you know how much Jesus loves you . Did you know that peope in times of Noah lead people to not enter the ark ? Did you know that the pharisees hindred the masses of people in Israel to not accept Jesus ? Your youtube preacher about the book of revelation in the bible warns you of deception , it is verywhere .

With your youtube preacher compilation about the book of revelation in the bible you can compare with the bible verses and see if what is taught by Earth last day bible channel is from the bible or not . Let us remember brother and sister that Jesus said many will be deceived by doctrines of demons . Jesus said that many shall say Lord Lord and Jesus will have to tell them , i do not know you .

Your youtube street preacher about creation in the bible teaches the 3 angels message which is the last message for planet earth . Any preacher that does not teach the 3 angels message is not part of the remant but is in Babylon .
Your youtube preacher about the book of revelation in the bible teaches that in the times of Paul there was only one church . Many preachers today wrongly teach that there is one church , which is false . Earth last day like and suscribe

Your youtube preacher compilation about the book of revelation in the bible teaches that today we are living in the times of the book of revelation . Now there are 2 churches 1 the remnant church, the true church found in revelation 12
2 The false church babylon , she is the mother ,it says that the daughters also fall

The mother is the papacy, the catholic church . The daughters are the protestant churches who refused the 1 st angels message . We find this in revelation 14 where when the 1 st angels message is refused by all churches. Jesus says Babylon has fallen .

Your youtube street preacher about creation in the bible teaches that can a church who slowly no longer teaches the bible but leaves one by one the bible beliefs to teach pagan doctrines be called a christian church ? No it is fallen , it fell from the trurh . Earth last day bible like and suscribe

Your friend the youtube preacher about the book of revelation in the bible teaches that falling means going away from bible truth to teach pagan and Satanic beliefs like most protestant churches are doing today . It is very important to not be deceived as Jesus said those who receive the mark will continue to go to church and praise Jesus . Not knowing that Jesus will have departed from those churches .

Your youtube preacher compilation about the book of revelation in the bible teaches that revelation 18 tells us that those churches and most churches will soon become the house, the dwelling place, the hold of every evil spirit . Jesus will not be there Why ? Because they refused the 3 angels message, because they teach many beliefs that are not in the bible so much that it is more pagan than christian . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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