The cross and its shadow S N Haskell Audiobook

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The cross and its shadow Haskell SN Haskell audio book
Can you explain the sanctuary doctrine from new testament ?
What is the new testament sanctuary doctrine ?

The cross and its shadow Haskell What an incredible book on the comparaison of the Jewish temple and the life of Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross The cross and its shadow SN Haskell audio book This is a book to read several time to understand the meanings as it is very deep and proves and gives so much light on the life of Jesus and proves the bible is true from the old testament The cross and its shadow SN Haskell audio book Earth last day like and suscribe

The cross and its shadow Haskell SN Haskell audio book Jesus says that his end time church will have this sanctuary message . It means as all protestant churches have fallen under the 2 nd angel message We read in revelation 14 Babylon has fallen When did that happen ? When the first angels message was given in 1844 All churches rejected the return of Jesus and fell into darkness .

Can you explain the sanctuary doctrine from new testament ? Jesus entered the most holy place in 1844 As Daniel says in Daniel 8 14 2300 years and the sanctuary will be cleansed . When is the cleansing of the sanctuary ? Every year jews had in OCTOBER 22 the cleansing of the sanctuary . What is the new testament sanctuary doctrine ? It was the cleansing of the memory of sin accumulated all year long . When sin is forgiven, it is taken to the heavenly sanctuary . But the sin remains there . And once a year the high priest has to cleanse the memory of sin

The cross and its shadow Haskell SN Haskell audio book This was what happened for the Jewish nation once a year . But immagine that now this happens for all nations and all people who ever lived on earth . Jesus entered the sanctuary in heaven when he ascended in heaven . But now Jeusus entered the most holy place when the 2300 years ended as Gabriel signified
2300 days and the sanctuary will be cleansed . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

Can you explain the sanctuary doctrine from new testament ? It means that the fallen churches cannot teachi this message or the 3 angels message . This is the frist of the 3 angels message . Jesus says that his remnant church will teach this message to al nations All people and churche swho reject this last message will receive the 7 last plagues and the mark of the beast and be destroyed forever .

What is the new testament sanctuary doctrine ? It doe snot matter if they are christians or not, when we reject light, we reject God . We need to follow God where he sends us if something is true we cnnot be honest and say it is not the truth . In the times of Noah all believers that said the ark is a false message died in the flood . All believers in the times of Jesus who said this new teaching of Jesus dying on the cross is not true, will be destroyed forever. Why ? Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

The cross and its shadow Haskell SN Haskell audio book Because when we reject light we show that we are dishonest and liars . As all honest peope will seek for light and ve wise enough to study eough before passing judgment . Then they will understand that rejecting light is rekecting Jesus They will accept the truth . Even if it is not popula r .
Can you explain the sanctuary doctrine from new testament ? The sanctuary is Jesus entering the most holy place in October 22 1844

and starting to judge and decide who will and who will not go to heaven . What is the new testament sanctuary doctrine ? Those who refuse this truth found in revelation 14 which is the last message for planet earth and reject the 3 angels message, the bible say they will receive the wrath of God poured out without mixture . Earthlast day bible channel like and suscribe

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