The Truth About Everything: Cosmic Consciousness, the Universal Mind

4 months ago

To say that we are One consciousess experiencing itself from the illusory vantage point of a single ego; One soul divided for the sake of experiencing Union, is almost trite and redundant at this point in is more obviously, and demonstrably, true than it has ever been. Science, despite it's staunch determination to reduce the ineffable to mundanity, to displace divinity in favor of randomness and meaninglessness, has despite itself, validated Heisenberg's observation that "The first sip from the cup of the natural sciences will make you an atheist; but at the bottom of the glass, God is waiting for you."

Recent experimental evidence that suggests that consciousness arises from entangled particles, that the unified field has more dominion over evolution than DNA, that Lamark may have been at least partly correct, and that plants, and even single celled organisms with no neurons, are capable of cognition that sometimes rivals the capacities of humans with computers, signals an unprecedeted paradigm shift that can't be denied or disputed. And, perhaps most importantly, it validates ancient Gnowledge that modernity has long scoffed at.

Speaking of ancient Gnowledge, the fact that chaos is always precedent of emergent order is also asserting it's Truth in this moment. There is worldwide upheaval on every front. We are staring into the maws of the consequence of the Sins of our Fathers. We face an existential crisis that is truly unprecedented in the history of our planet. Fear, confusion, and uncertainty swell and foment in the hearts and minds of people everywhere. For the wise, however, this is a welcome sign. An expected, necessary, and welcome stage in the development of the potential for a Gnew form to arise from the eternal process: solve et coagula.

Those that are aware of this transition are blessed..and burdened, with an incredible responsibility. The Universe is compsed of equal and opposite elements. Success and failure are equally probable. Luckily, since the magician has the inertia of the Universe to assist him, if s/he has the capacity to Gnow, the strength to Will, and the courage to Dare, s/he has the power to determine the outcome of the coin toss. Our numbers may be few, but our power is nearly infinite.

In this Lightstream I will offer what I can that I Gnow to be of use and advantage. Drawn from a lifetime of devotion and experience in this pusuit of what I call Cosmic Consiousness, I will share everything that I can offer that might contribute to our individual and collective effort at attaining benevolent power at this most critical moment in our journey from division to unity, darkness to light, and inanity to sanity.

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