WOKE Lord of the Rings Game With Race Swapped Hobbits DESTROYED!

4 months ago

If The Rings of Power wasn't enough damage to The Lord of the Rings IP, leave it to the shippers and woke developers to finish the job.

They are at it again with trying to make Sam and Frodo gay. The idea of plutonic male friendships are so foreign to these weirdos that they cannot comprehend interactions that don't end in unchained hedonism. The Critical Drinker put a Gamespot writer on blast for being such a filthy degenerate and that thing didn't take to kindly to it. At least they can take solace in their woke Shire game...

Tales of the Shire, from Weta Workshop Digital, is a Hobbit simulator where you can cook, farm and live in the titular Shire as a halfling of color if you so choose. You'll never guess what the development team looks like and you won't be surprised that after immense pushback, the game has been delayed. But they still have a planned stream on Hobbit Day, so take that little jab for what you will...

That Park Place 1: https://thatparkplace.com/gamespot-writer-seethes-and-lashes-out-at-critical-drinker-while-attempting-to-push-gay-agenda-onto-j-r-r-tolkiens-the-lord-of-the-rings/
TPP 2: https://thatparkplace.com/weta-workshop-delays-tales-of-the-shire-a-the-lord-of-the-rings-game/
Tales of the Shire 1: https://twitter.com/talesoftheshire/status/1834336184639820240
TotS 2: https://twitter.com/talesoftheshire/status/1833535991166235037

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