The Dangers Of Implants & The Redstone Arsenal UFO Base - Conflict Radio S2E23

5 months ago

In the first half of the show, Jamie Greenley shares how his life was turned upside down by one seemingly simple decision. Well-intentioned dental professionals, although possibly persuaded by the industry itself, had convinced this healthy, athletic mother of three energetic boys that the best option for a dental issue was, in fact, safe and in her best interest. but was it?

In Perseverance: Surviving the Life-Altering Dangers of Titanium Implants, Jamie’s oldest son, Boeden, shares his mother’s heart-wrenching journey as he watched it unfold.

The Second Half of the show focuses on the experiences of David John Lanier. David and his family have been experiencing various types of experiences near Huntsville Al and Redstone Arsenal. From Alien Greys inside his home to multiple UFOs and Orbs near his property. Could there be a connection to the Underground UFO base we have been looking for near Huntsville? You do not want to miss this episode..

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The Dangers Of Implants & The Redstone Arsenal UFO Base - Conflict Radio S2E23

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