Zionist Aways Tell their Story

4 months ago

Benjamin Netanyahu: "The secret is we have America."; "Hezbollah doesn't exist." | 2006

During an interview with fellow Zionist Bill Maher in 2006, Netanyahu was asked what was Israel's secret to fighting wars 'very quickly', his response was quite telling: "The secret is we have America." Yet, that's exactly what continues to go right over the heads of way too many Israel apologists. The U.S. is a ZOG [Zionist Occupied Government]. Netanyahu also stated Hezbollah doesn't exist, calling them a "forward unit" trained by the Iraian army.

Is it a coincidence that Iran just so happens to be the last of seven countries the U.S. plans to 'take out'? Is it also a coincidence there are now reports of [Iranian-backed] Hezbollah getting involved in this current psyop war that is really about the Greater Israel Project?
I'm sure it's all just a coincidence...

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