The Supply Chains of American Corporations Built in China Are Fundamentally at Risk

28 days ago

09/15/2024 FOX Business: US foreign-direct investment in China dropped 14% last year because of the slowing Chinese economy and these tensions between the US and China.
The party is ending for American corporations in China. They have built supply chains there that are fundamentally at risk as the geopolitics get more serious. It’s time for these corporations to look for the exit now before the U.S.-China decoupling gets underway.
#AmericanCompanies #GeopoliticalRisks #IntellectualProperty #USChinaRelations #decouple
09/15/2024 福克斯商业新闻:由于中共国经济放缓和中美关系紧张,去年美国在华的外商直接投资下降了14%。美国公司在中共国的好日子快结束了。随着地缘政治日益严峻,它们在中国建立的供应链从根本上面临风险。这些公司是时候在中美脱钩加剧之前撤离了。
#美国公司 #地缘政治风险 #知识产权 #中美关系 #脱钩

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