The difference between Happy and Gay

4 months ago

Chase Oliver is a homosexual utopian libertarian running for President. He's going to unite the world. Muslims are going to drop their swords and embrace him as their God. Collectivists are going to drop their nuclear ICBM's and embrace him as the genius who persuaded them that capitalism is better than communism.
In reality, Chase Oliver is a TROJAN HORSE. Libertarianism is LEFTISM REBRANDED. Chase himself said libertarianism gained traction in the 1970s. I agree with that. And anyone paying attention, who possess' critical thinking skills, understands that happened as a result of the voters rejecting McGovern in the 1972 election. The Leftocrats figured they could fool people with libertarian talking points which were Utopian fantasies peddled as sincere policy ideas.
Fortunately, the public has never bought into the bait and switch Libertarian Party propaganda.
Make no mistake, Chase Oliver's Amerika, LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE KAMALA HARRIS' AMERIKA.

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