EP 493: Success in an Independent Medical Clinic with Greg Bickel PA-C and Shawn & Janet Needham RPh

5 months ago

On this Episode 493 of Health Solutions, Shawn & Janet Needham R. Ph. talk about how to have success in an independent medical clinic with Greg Bickel, PA-C.

Greg began family practice in 1999, after having had meaningful careers as a both a Pastor and Pharmaceutical Drug Rep. For Greg, medicine combines two of his passions: lifelong learning and serving people. He believes that medicine is best practiced as a team. "If I sit down, look the patient in their eyes, listen to them and ask the proper questions, the patient will help lead me to the correct diagnosis."

It was in 2017 that Greg began to verbalize and formulate his dream of owning and operating his own family practice. First, Greg began to mull his vision of provider care in family medicine. Next, Greg started to pen his foundation for treating patients with compassion and world-class medical care. Soon thereafter, Greg was ready to formalize and compose his mission, vision, and values for Compassion Family Medicine. As Greg communicates his founder’s statement, mission, vision, and values he says, “My goal in practicing medicine has shifted from “success”, in terms of making money, to “significance”, in terms of providing compassionate and world-class medical care to others in the Yakima Valley.” Greg’s motto is, “It’s not about me.”

Greg enlisted a small team of other professionals to help him flesh out his vision. After a diligent search, the current location was selected for renovation. Throughout the process, Greg has made a concerted effort to insure everyone, from the General Contractors and sub-contractors, to providers and other professionals, feels a part of the Compassion Family Medicine team—part of something much greater than the mere sum-total of the parts.

00:00 - Start
00:41 - Greg’s Introduction
01:05 - Greg’s Background
04:06 - Greg’s Approach to Medicine
06:42 - Provider / Patient Trust
09:10 - Treating the Patient
10:14 - Corruption in Big Pharma
13:04 - Greg’s Approach to Caring for Patients
14:38 - Weight Loss
16:50 - The Design of Greg’s Clinic
23:27 - Listener Question / Why the Visual Cues?
24:17 - Greg’s Passion
25:48 - Greg’s Contact Information
26:15 - Closing Comments

Episode Resources
Facebook ~ https://www.facebook.com/compassionfamilymedicine
Website ~ https://compassionfamilymedicine.com/

EP 493: Success in an Independent Medical Clinic with Greg Bickel PA-C and Shawn & Janet Needham RPh

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