3 months ago

IprayMinistry 🇨🇦 Canada/ChristianEngineer

Bible Reading Plan 2024
Jeremiah 22-52; Lamentations 1-5; Ezekiel 1-24

Enoch Walked With God

🙏🏼Prayer📖Verse:Genesis 5:24
Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away. - Genesis 5:24 (NIV)

READ:Genesis 5:21-24
Genesis 17:1-10; Genesis 6:8-12
OR Whole Chapters

Let's Pray🙏🏼To God
Almighty God, the Father of us all, in whom we live, and walk, and have our being. 
We worship You, and give thanks unto Your great and holy name. 
May we be like those who walked closely with You and bear their perfume of fragrance on our very garments. 
Enoch is the first person in the Bible said to walk with God for three hundred years. 
Enoch walked so closely with God that You did not let him die; but rather, “took him away” to be with You always - Genesis 5:22-24 
Enoch’s life was all about a perfect relationship and friendship with God. 
Help us to walk alongside with You in unity and faith as we pass through our life's journey. 
Noah was a righteous man who knew the secret of walking with God. - Genesis 6:9
Abraham was obedient to God in his walk as a friend of God. - Genesis 17:1 
Let walking with You become our lifestyle to glorify You in the Spirit regardless of the personal cost. - Galatians 5:16; Romans 8:4 
We want to walk with You to avoid evil friends in this wicked world. - Psalm 1:1-3; James 4:4
Help us to choose the narrow road that leads to Heaven over the broad way to destruction. - Matthew 7:13-14 
In our walk with You, may we embody the fruits of the Holy Spirit. - Galatians 5:22-23 
May we pray always to walk in close connection with You. - 1 Thessalonians 5:22
Guide us through the Bible in our walk with You. - 2 Timothy 3:16-17 
May the world repent of their sins and believe in the shed blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. - John 3:16-17
Let the world recognize that our daily walk with You, is due to our personal relationship with Your Son Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Hold our hands and walk with us in His precious name. Amen. --- PTM26AG24
. Prayer Engineer

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