Crypto Intuitive Reading, Remote Viewing BTC & SOL, POPCAT, Live Readings FLUFFY, FXI, TMANIA, SAPP

5 months ago

In this video Kimmie & Lorina try a new format! The each individually performed remote viewing readings on two different coin picks: Bitcoin and POPCAT (On Solana).

Free Patreon members asked for a review of TMANIA, and also to take a peek at a handful of tokens other intuitives liked: FLUFFY, FXI & SAPP.

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If you would like to book a personal reading or healing with Kimmie or Lorina:

Lorina is available for readings, intuitive teachings & healing via:

Kimmie is available for individual token readings, personal readings, healing, and intuitive content via:

The ladies welcome donations for the free crypto readings, or do you have a request for certain tokens to be read:

Kimmie via Venmo:
Lorina via: Contact via personal page

Twitter Page:

For entertainment purposes only. All quantum readings, intuitive content, and soul portraits are intended for entertainment, inspiration, and artistic expression only. We do not claim to guarantee outcomes or provide professional advice. Our services do not replace licensed medical, legal, financial, or therapeutic counsel. Readings and content should be considered artistic works and spiritual guidance, not predictions or promises. Clients are responsible for their own choices and actions. We will never, under any circumstances, reach out to solicit business for readings or other services. Interested parties may contact us directly through our website contact forms. By using this website or booking services, you agree you are over 18, understand this content is for entertainment only, and release us from any liability resulting from the use of my website or services offered herein.

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