Self Treatment Weekly Update: Pain, Ozempic Shmozempic & Upcoming New Doctor

4 months ago

Lyme symptoms have increased from fasting. Chills and increased pain in joints, muscles and pretty much everywhere. This sometimes wakes me up from a sound sleep. Sometimes my liver hurts. Perhaps adding either more or better binders is an option?

I'm now off of all Lyme antimicrobials. Stopped monolaurin (I forgot I was taking it.) I'm up to three tablets of Equilibrant a day.

Ozempic shmozempic. My weight issue isn't from a food intake issue; it's from hypothyroidism. Will be taking a thyroid peptide instead of Ozempic and will be tracking my success on here. I'm also looking forward to upcoming release of new pineal peptides from Integrative Peptides.

Add TUDCA for gut flush. I'm already taking NAC and bitters.

Time to cleanse. Joined Dr. Jaban Moore's Chasing Health program. Will be seeing an a la carte doctor who understands Lyme and detox. I am looking forward to having some labs run.

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