The USA in Bible Prophecy - The Third Key of Revelation - Part 6

5 months ago

This video describes the last seven of fourteen phases of the endtime beast-empire of Daniel and Revelation, the USA. These phases are:

1. The destruction of the woman, riding the beast - Rev.17:16
2. The replacement of three of ten horns by an eleventh horn - Dan.7:8, 20, 24
3. The coming of the seventh head for 'a short time' - Rev.17:10
4. The beast rises up out of the sea - Rev. 13:1
5. The dragon gives the beast his power, throne and authority - Rev.13:2
6. The ten horns give their power to 'the beast - Rev.17:13
7. The seventh head of the beast is slain - Rev.13:3

These points are described in detail in the parts 1 - 5 of this series on the USA. This is the point in history where we are at the moment of making these video's.

8. The deadly wound will be healed - Rev.13:3
9. The 10 horns will rule with the beast one hour (hr of temptation) Rev.17:12
10. The beast will up out of the bottomless pit - Rev.17:8, 10:7
11. The beast will come out of the 7 heads to become 'the eighth' - Rev.17:11
12. The beast will blaspheme and wage war on the saints - Rev.13:6,7, Dan 7
13. The ten horns and the beast will wage war against the Lamb - Rev.17:14
14. The beast will go into perdition - Rev.17:8, 11

The importance of the 'mark of the beast' necessitates one extra video on the USA.

Bible texts:
Daniel 7
Revelation 9
Revelation 13
Revelation 17
Revelation 19:11

John Williams - Theme from 'Jurassic Park'
Anton Bruckner - Symphony No.3 - First Movement

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