5 months ago

HELLO FOLKS -- THIS VIDEO WAS TAKEN FROM #JeremyKauffman 's (X/Twitter page @ JeremyKauffman).
Apparently the #FBI decided to pay a visit to the home of Owner and Creator of "Odysee" (a YouTube alternative media site).

Jeremy Kauffman did EXACTLY what every American should do, when Law-enforcement (esp Federal) shows up at your home. This kind of crap has been happening all over the US.

Watch how Mr. Kauffman deals with these so-called FBI agents (as they don't want to give their full name and badge info ON CAMERA).

That's not suspicious! (Please like and share to as many people as you can)

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I spend 90%+ of free time, researching, writing, and recording, content which I feel those I care about NEED TO KNOW. I am fighting every day for a future without war, poverty, disparity, lies & manipulation. Any & all support for the work I do, IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED, but never expected (especially during these "tight/tough" times)
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The Rollman Revolution / David S. Rollman aka "DaveMan", your humble host, is a no-nonsense guy, who cares not about BEING right, but rather GETTING THINGS RIGHT.
The power resides within you, it always has. Time to use that power, my friends.

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