I Am America

12 days ago

I Am America looks past the political divisions so prevalent in America today and sees the beauty and vibrancy of the everyday common American just living a simple life.

I had to write this song for my own emotional health as it was an outlet for me from sadness and pain. I've felt during this destructive social engineering operation pounding our nation from the globalists within the halls of political power.

I Am America also addresses the sins and achievements while still seeing the virtue of her self-correcting nature; the qualities bestowed on her by the Declaration of Independence the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

America is a beautiful experiment that deserves our proactive support and protection. Some even say our rights come from a divine origin - Nature's God - and that the a􏰀airs of human beings are governed by a Benevolent Transcendent Reality of which governments are subordinate to. Freedom is our birthright.

It's not bestowed to us by bureaucrats addicted to power. It's bestowed to us by our Creator. God bless America and the whole world.

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