Tue 17Sep24 David Knight UNABRIDGED - Woman Found Guilty of Fatally Infecting Another with Covid

5 months ago

(2:00) FOUND GUILTY of HOMICIDE for Spreading Covid!
• Found guilty of negligent homicide.  The "evidence" is absurd in many, many ways but it's a harbinger of how they'll take it to the next level in the next germ game
• WEF says the GERM GAME was a test of compliance — but we can use it as a litmus test for politicians to test their loyalty to the real killers
• CDC comes back with more baseless fear mongering about "bird flu" — even left-wing Slate scoffs at their absurd fatality rate assumptions and the methods they use
• Be afraid of "antibiotic-resistant superbug" infections by 2050?  NO, be afraid of their toxic antibiotic
• BigPharma's rap sheet — and how they keep beating the criminal rap.  Trump wants to execute drug dealers?  The companies the government corrects kill FAR more people
(1:00:31) Albert Bourla's "pseudo-virus" (is there any other kind?) used for the "vaccine"
(1:03:00) The Climate MacGuffin — Depopulation thru Deindustrialization
• Labor government aborts the opening of the first new coal mine in 30 yrs
• Who needs metallurgical coal when the England's last steel mill shut down this year?
• Labor unions push back against Labor Party as they realize "net-zero" means zero jobs, zero money
• Paris Climate accord is now a huge component of the "China Price", their competitive advantage bestowed by globalists on the dictatorship
(1:29:19) Gate's NetFlix Documentary "What's Next"
• More austerity pushed by one of the richest people in the world, along with pseudo-science from a copyright thief
• UN's "urgent SOS Save-Our-Seas" tells us the Southwestern Pacific is rising far faster than other parts of the ocean and some South Sea Islands are seeing way more rise than others.  What utter, complete nonsense!
• EV Semi prices are absurdly non-competitive with diesel — but we're talking central planning
• Here's what happens when an EV Semi crashes and burns (and burns, and burns)
• How to make steel completely unaffordable in order to deindustrialize the West? Require it be made from hydrogen instead of reliable, efficient and clean coal.  (Of course China will be able to use as much dirty coal for power and steal as they wish)
• Ad-free podcast
• comments from listeners about detox and treatments for antibiotic poisoning with floxins
• List of Zelle supporters (DavidKnightShow@protonmail.com) for first week of September
(2:01:59) Will the loss of the dollar's reserve currency status be the biggest legacy of the Biden mafia?
• How one man became the richest man in Germany DUE TO HYPERINFLATION?
• What are central banks doing to prepare for global financial reset that you can also do?
• NJ becomes the 45th state to remove sales tax on gold and silver
• Saudi Arabia was secretly buying huge amounts of gold before they openly abandoned the petrodollar
(2:29:54) The War on Family and Parental Rights
• Georgia charging the parent of the school shooter (while holding all government employees at both school and police harmless) is a dangerous anti-parent, anti-family precedent that will be used in other ways
• LA Times says it's SHAMEFUL to want children
• Climate Anxiety and the Kid Question: filled with fear about greenhouse gases, young woman wants a family but not unless she can control other people
(2:38:30) I WANT MY BABY BACK — she wasn't prepared for what happened with the at-home, abortion by pill
(2:42:37) Attacked by Antifa, then jailed by police — FOR READING THE BIBLE ALOUD
(2:57:41) Tinder does "hookup" with Planned Parenthood — an ancient pairing of pagan religions

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