ShiftWatch 240919 3D-5D timeline split, solar storms become seismic events, Shambhalla expeditions

5 months ago

Starbuck’s Mystery School presents: ShiftWatch with Starbuck

Music: Epidemic Sound
Neo Dreams, The Big Let Down

240919 - Episode 27

A recap of current multidimensional conditions

2:15 News
Timeline split - Humans Are Splitting into Different Dimensions

This video explores the timeline split that is currently happening to human consciousness. One stream of consciousness is on a descending timeline and will remain in the 3rd dimension. The other stream of consciousness is ascending into the 5th dimension. Eventually these 2 timelines will completely separate, like a cell splitting through mitosis. The driving forces behind these streams of consciousness are fear and love. The Alchemist beautifully explains how these 2 paths will present themselves and how we can embark on the ascending path.

Huge thank you to Sarah Elkhaldy (The Alchemist) for this wonderful collaboration. Consider subscribing to The Alchemist Youtube channel for more spiritual knowledge.
/ @officialthealchemist
The Alchemist

6:51 Space Weather Effects
Connecting the dots between the elevating solar storms and seismic activity throughout the Earth. Here are two different accounts of seeing solar storms resulting in the seismic activities in historically likely and unlikely places happening now.
Suspicious 0bservers

20:20 Vibration Matching
This content got my attention a few years ago, illustrating interest in finding Shambhalla by both the metaphysically minded and the US government back in the 1920’s and 30’s. This is a snippet from Nicholas and Helena Roerich’s expeditions to find Shambhalla in Inner Earth. Follow the link in the description for the entire video.
Mr. Mythos

22:00 P.S.
The continuation of the Roerich’s story.

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