King James audio bible 1 of 8 Genesis to Numbers 20

3 months ago

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audio bible the book of genesis on youtube
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King james audio bible Genesis to Numbers 20 Amazing you cna listen to 12 hours of the bible in one listen So you do not have to change videos every few minutes King james audio bible Genesis to Numbers 20 Learn how God created the universe and called Abraham as the founder of the Jewish nation and church King james audio bible Genesis to Numbers 20 is the Word of God the bible is inspired by God Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit

audio bible the book of genesis on youtube People are led astray on the earth for one good reason ? Most people do not read the bible ? If you would read the bible everyday , then you would have a much better chance to meke it to heaven . It is not saying that all people who read the bible will make it to heaven, How can i listen to audio bible on youtube , ? Here in Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

It is like people who take 3 grams of vitamin c a day have a much better chance of not getting a heart attack. But it is not saying that all people who take 3 grams of vitamin c a day will not have a heart attack . When you listen to the old testament bible on audio in english it can change your life .

Listn to the audio bible the book of genesis on youtube . As when you do not read the bible , you have a much better chance of not n=knowing what the truth is . You have a much better chance of folloxing the majority and this present evil world . You have a much better chance of being mislead by false beliefs. How can i listen to audio bible on youtube , ? Here you can listen to the bible Earth last day tell your friends about our channel

When you listen to the old testament bible on audio in english , then God can come close to you . God made a promise, he said that all people who will seek Him , he will come close to them . He will be found of them . It is one of the most beautiful promise in the bible . As God loves you very much, then he wants to be close to you . But God will not force himself on you .

Listen now to the audio bible the book of genesis on youtube and learn that in Genesis when there was few people on earth, God was manifesting and meeting them in perosn . Then the bible says in Genesis that when people started to be numerous on earth, it says men started to call on the name of the Lord . It means people started to pray .

How can i listen to audio bible on youtube ? On Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe . It means that before that it is possible that people did not need to pray as they could call on God and meet God in person . W eunderstand that the Father nobody ha seeen him . Then in the Old testament we find Jesus appearing many times to people .

You can now listen to the old testament bible on audio in english when you do then w efind out that Jesus name was The Angels of the Lord . Jesus is not an angel but angel just means messenger . With Abraham in Henesis 18 it says Abraham talked with God . In Mose sburning bush it says it was God the Angel of the Lord speaking with him . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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